Performance Management | Situational Awareness | Root Cause Analysis | Collaboration
Demand Planning | Causal & Effect | Predictive Maintenance
Resource Planning | Scheduling |  Monitoring & Execution
Making Sense of Images, Text, IoT data
We drive innovation and differentiate our Products using INDUSTRY EXPERIENCE, Voice of Customer, Cutting Edge Technology, Sizeable Investment to stay ahead.
business result focussed
Detailing & Practitioners Guide to realize on the advisory is key to success of our Consulting Practice. Domain Knowledge & Right Analysis goes a long way in the Engagement.
quality & agility
Exploratory Projects, Product based Turnkey Projects, Custom Solution Project, simply Training Services or After Market Services, all Services follow fit for purpose but embedded Quality and Agile approach.
Businesses are increasingly distinguishing core and non-core Functions. We can manage Business Process, Technology, Infrastructure better with improved service levels.
Enabling Digital Enterprise
Solving Digital Challenges from Frontline Operations to Boardroom

Unified Platform
Serving All Analytical Needs

The Planning Swiss Knife
Sales & Operations Planning
Network Design
Dynamic Price Optimization
Inventory Optimization
Staff Roster Allocation

Predictive Analytics
Exploration & Insights
Demand Planning
Price Forecasting
Association Studies

Adv. Analytics ML/AI
Image Processing (Deep Learning)
Sentiment Analysis
Semantic Search
Recommendation Engine
Business Process Execution

Business Intelligence
Performance Management
Situational awareness
Root Cause Analysis

Data Engineering
Integration- ETL
Data Warehouse and Lakes
Master Data Management
Process Orchestration
Data Services
Whats New!
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- Product Release
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- New Trends
CAF v1.6.02-Security & Configurability
Common Access Framework(17/Jun/21) -Improved application security and Configuration. Faster screen responses and Internationalization of CAF.
XSight v1.2.16-Segmentation & New Algorithms
XSight Release(28/Jul/21):- ABC-XYZ analysis can be run for any data segment on demand. Improvements in Algorithms and Collaborative override of statistical forecast.
XML v1.2.42- Sentiment Analysis (NLP)
New Module(2/Aug/21):-Ability to sense sentiment from unstructured text from vast amount of streaming or bulk data, to keep you informed of customer preferences, risks etc.

XPlan v2.5.08
XPlan Release (11/Jul/21):-Swap Agreements for Commodity supply chains, Cross country pipelines for Oil, Gas and Chemicals Industry. Improved solve logging etc.

XPlan v1.0.23- Staff Allocation Planning
XPlan Release (18/Jan/21): We proudly announce release of new module under our XPlan Decision support Platform for Staff Roster Planning
Covid Note-Office Guidelines
20Ap20: We would like to notify our Office opening hours are limited for short duration and essential staff pursuant to government authorities notification.
Indo-American Chambers of Commerce Webinar "Analytics Full Spectrum Overview of Industry Solutions" 8-Sep-21 3PM
8Sep21: Full Spectrum Overview of Analytics and Data Science and How it touches our lives at work place and home.

Situational Awareness- Insights
Business and Operational Insights to keep you updated in real time to deliver on promise made to all the stakeholders.
Network Design-Greenfield Investment Planning
High Investment decision related to network design which has far reaching impact on competitiveness, service level cost are still being done in Spreadsheets.
Evaluate all options with operational feasibility and investment due diligence using our integrated optimization models in XPlan.
Computer Vision-Deep Learning
Deep Learning algorithm based computer vision can do classification, detection kind of tasks tirelessly and with high precision.
Acting on this information, using mechatronics has taken AI to another level.
Digital Transformation
Its the "in thing". IT heads and CTO's are now called Chief Digitization Office (CDO) or something alike. Digital Transformation just enlarges the scope of what technology can do for business.
The business problems and use cases have not changed although there are some new problems and new efficient ways of solving problems.
Your Advantages
Why Partner with Us?

Our Industry knowledge coupled with ability to translate your challenges into Digital Solutions, earns us the credibility in the field of Data Science.

We take our commitments seriously. If we debate with you, it is possibly because of value associated with objective and feasibility.

Being a product company, makes us take a broader view of the problem and come up with solutions that are well thought of and lasting. Constant innovation, staying in touch with technology and cross industry knowledge application, help us delivery better.

A flat organization, objectivity in approach to every task, effective team work practices help us be responsive to changing needs and routine disruptions in technology.