* Our Insights: Your Perspective *
| Information: Data & Contextualization |
Data vs. Information
Information related to a process, an equipment, an employee, a transaction can be spread across several systems. When these pieces of data are brought in together and context is established, full picture emerges and it enables great insights. The list of benefit is long, key ones being-
- single version of truth,
- situational awareness and informed decisions,
- automation-time and effort saving,
- better collaboration and alignment,
- informed decisions.
Painting a Picture worth 1000 Words!
A holistic view is highly desirable on each subject. Dashboards aren’t a thing for management personnel only. Every function, process can make good use of it. Availability of data, scale of business, complexity, need for doing more, customers wanting more are making a case for more business and operational insights. Nature of data and system changes even for a single context ranging from structured tabular data, unstructured news feed, real time video feed, IVRS responses, online clicks etc. Technology isn’t behind and has kept pace with the needs. In fact there is so much more being offered, that Technology choices are challenging CTO’s and CIO’s of company to make the right choices which ensures
- System serves wider base of use cases in organization
- Reasonable cost of ownership
- Scalability and flexibility
- Low risk of technology obsolescence
- Easy to manage systems in-house
Business Intelligence System
Dashboard is a manifestation of the whole system but bulk of work is behind the scene and lot of wrong choices are made there in largest of corporations. Before delivering the “fit for purpose” system, We consult our clients answer these keys questions
- What use cases could be most rewarding for his industry and specific to his company
- What is the system architecture to enable the Business Intelligence platform
- Ways to curate the data and automate integration
- What makes more sense to them- data warehouse, data lake
- Meta data model and MDM
- Leading softwares which can meet their requirements- yes our consulting is vendor agnostic
- Rationalized Data sources
- Integration strategy
- Meta data model
- Data lake /warehouse / MDM
- Dashboard designs, role based, theme based, drill downs
- Performance measures
- Security model